Students at Years 7 & 8 complete courses in the eight Key Learning Areas set out in the Victorian Curriculum.

The key learning areas for Years 7 and 8 are :

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • English
  • Humanities
  • Languages 
  • Visual Arts
  • Performing Arts
  • Design Technology
  • Physical Education, Sport and Health

In Languages students can study either Italian or French

Key Learning AreaLessons per WeekYears 7 & 8

We aim to have the same teacher take English and Humanities.


Students study either Italian or French.

Students who have recently arrived in Australia and are not English speakers, will be withdrawn from English and some other classes for intensive language instruction with a trained teacher of English as a Second Language.

Key Learning AreaLessons per weekYears 7 & 8

Visual Arts

Performing Arts

Design Technology


In Junior School  Design Technology / Performing Arts / Visual Art is a two year rotation program.

This rotation program is designed as an introduction to the Design Technology, Performing Arts and Visual Arts areas during the student's first two years at secondary college.  Each subject is of semester duration (half year) for three semesters. The fourth semester (Year 8 Semester 2) is elective based and students will have an opportunity to select their subjects.

Over the two years in junior school students will experience working in most of the following areas: Ceramics, Paint, Drawing, Sculpture, Printmaking, Visual Communication Design, Photography, Wood, Metal, Textiles, Food, Glass, Drama and Music. 

Physical Education, Sport and Health4

Students study two periods of Sport and two periods of Physical Education per week. (One period of Health is taught in Term 3).

The school is fortunate to have its own centre in the country, Mirimbah, located at the foot of Mt Buller.


Figure 1 - Mirimbah location


Figure 2 - Mirimbah Country Centre


During Term 1, a Year 7 Orientation Camp is held at. As this is a valuable way for Year 7 students to begin to establish friends and to get to know their teachers, every student is encouraged to attend.

Year 8 students have the opportunity to participate in a Cross-country ski camp held during Term 3.

Students and parents should view camps as an integral part of the College curriculum. All students should attend. Some financial assistance is available where cost may otherwise prevent participation in the camp.

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