All Year 9 students study English, Humanities, Science and Mathematics as core subjects in their home groups.

This course consists of three strands: Language, Literature and Literacy. Students will read a range of texts, including novels and film texts, write for a range of audiences and purposes, contribute to class forums and prepare more structured oral presentations. Assessment is based on a range of tasks set by the teacher throughout the year, including text responses, creative writing, persuasive writing, creation of a magazine, prepared speeches and debating. The Australian Curriculum details that students will study the three interconnected strands of language, literature and literacy. There will also be a focus on the creation and analysis of texts as outlined by the Australian Curriculum. For a detailed description please visit

Students are expected to do at least 2 hours per week of home study. This will include the completion of tasks begun in class, working on extended tasks, and reading.

In Year 9, students study the making of the modern world from 1750 to 1918. It covers the period of industrialisation and rapid change in the ways people lived, worked and thought, the era of nationalism and imperialism, and the colonisation of Australia which was part of the expansion of European power. The period 1750 – 1918 culminated in World War 1 1914-1918, the ‘war to end all wars’. Students also study a Geography unit in semester 1. "Geographies of interconnections" focuses on investigating how people, through their choices and actions, are connected to places throughout the world in a wide variety of ways, and how these connections help to make and change places and their environments. Finally students study a Civics and Citizenship unit in semester 2. "Laws and citizens" investigates the features and principles of Australia’s legal system and familiarises students with laws particularly applicable to them.

Students will apply the following historical concepts and skills to the historical knowledge: sequencing chronology, using historical sources as evidence, identifying continuity and change, analysing causes and effect and determining historical significance. Students will work with primary and secondary sources, will become familiar with issues relating to Australia’s past and will develop skills to communicate their understandings of history and geography. Assessment will include workbook, essays, image analyses, assignments and oral reports.

Students are expected to do at least 1 hour of home study per week. They will also be expected to work on extended projects in addition to this time.

Science includes topics from the major disciplines of chemistry, biology, physics and earth and space sciences.  A key unifying theme is sustainability education. Students develop conceptual knowledge. They also develop knowledge of the processes and procedures of science. They experience practical activities that develop knowledge and skill in design, measurement and data organisation. Emphasis is placed on applications of science, the work of scientists and links between science and technology. Assessment tasks include assignments, projects, topic tests, written responses to structured questions and conduct and reporting of practical work. Work products may be submitted in a variety of forms, including written report, verbal report, poster and multimedia presentation.

Students are expected to do at least two hours of home study per week, including regular revision as well as completion of assessment tasks.

Students will study Space, Number, Measurement, Chance and Data, Algebra, and Reasoning and Strategies. They will develop a range of skills through textbook exercises and assignments, problem solving and modelling and projects. Assessment will be based on the degree to which the above skills are demonstrated.

There are also a range of extra curricula activities, including Maths Games Days, Maths Challenges and the Maths Talent Quest.

Students are expected to do at least two hours home study per week. They will also be expected to work on extended projects in addition to this time.

Teachers will recommend students to one of the three Year 10 Maths courses offered based on their performance in Year 9.

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