Princes Hill Secondary College is committed to following the staged response to behaviour management issues as outlined by Department guidelines on engaging schools and the PHSC Student Code of Conduct. This staged response will involve preventative strategies, intervention, counselling and a range of appropriate behaviour management strategies. For breaches of the school rules, the sanctions below may apply. An Assistant Principal, Sub School Leader and relevant Year Level Coordinator have discretion in applying these sanctions, and it may be necessary to move to a later stage depending on the nature of the incident. For all actions involving consequences that require an after school detention, community services, internal or full suspensions, parents or carers will be contacted. In the case of full suspensions, a formal interview will be required with the parent/carer of the student involved. Interviews may also be requested with parents/carers at other times to discuss concerns with regard to student wellbeing, behaviour, academic progress, truancy, plagiarism or other matters that are deemed to be of sufficient concern at the time. 

It is anticipated by the school that parents and carers will support the sanctions and outcomes put forward by the school community. This is essential in providing a consistent message to students about their behavioural standards and expectations.

The following sanctions are underpinned by a Restorative Practices approach.

Lunchtime Detentions

Lunchtime detentions are given for the lowest level of breaches of the student code of conduct, and for lateness to school or class during the day. Lateness detentions are supervised daily by Year 7-10 Coordinators. Other lunchtime detentions may be given by class room teachers, Year Level Coordinators, or members of the Principal Class where deemed appropriate. A common reason for awarding a lunchtime detention would be persistent disruption to class activities. 

After School Detentions

After school detentions are given by year level coordinators, classroom teachers in consultation with the Sub School Leader and members of the Principal Class. After school detentions are given where behaviour is deemed to be of a sufficiently serious nature that the student should give back to the school community a portion of their time. Permission from a parent/carer is required before this measure can be implemented.

Community Service

In instances where a student has damaged the School property it may be the case that the student(s) are required to perform community service tasks. This may involve cleaning within the School or assisting with day to day tasks, and may be given during lunchtime, after school, or as a part of an internal, or full suspension. Graffiti damage is an example of an activity where this sanction would be appropriate, depending on the nature and severity of the incident.

Behaviour/Academic Progress Contracts

Where class performance is an ongoing issue, a behaviour or academic progress contract may be given to the student by the Year Level Coordinator. The terms and duration of this contract will be determined in accordance with each individual instance. An interview with a Parent or Carer would be sought where this is deemed an appropriate sanction. 


Princes Hill Secondary College consistently applies the Department's Suspension Policy.

A suspension may be given after a range of other interventions have been exhausted, and the behaviour of the student has not met the expectations of the School. Suspensions may be also implemented for specific behaviours or incidents, regardless of prior student conduct. A suspension can be held at school; this may be particularly appropriate where issues of truancy are present, or where appropriate levels of supervision at home are not available. Suspensions may be held externally (at home) where a student has committed an act that seriously undermines the safety and/or wellbeing of the school community or for serious persistent misbehaviour where other steps in the scale of sanctions have already been exhausted. 

Enrolment Review Meeting

Where all of the sanctions outlined in the scale of outcomes/sanctions have been utilised and the performance/conduct of the student has not improved, then an enrolment review meeting may be held with the student, Sub-School Leader (or representative), Parent/Carer and a member of the Principal Class in attendance. The purpose of these meetings is to establish clear expectations with regard to future conduct, and to create a timeline for regular review of the performance or conduct of the student. If the performance/conduct of the student does not improve then steps may be taken to expel the student from the school. 


After all of the above strategies have been exhausted, and after agreements at the enrolment review meeting have been breached, the School will begin a process of expulsion. 
Immediate expulsion may also arise in matters relating to drug trafficking, significant damage to school property, a severe act of violence or other behaviours that pose a significant threat to the school community. There are appeals processes open to students that they may enter into if they disagree with the decision to expel them from the School. Extensive interviews will be required with the student, Year Level Coordinator, Parents/Carers and a member of the Principal Class if a student is to be expelled from school.


Suspension, expulsion and restrictive interventions are measures of last resort and may only be used in situations consistent with Department policy, available at:

The Principal of Princes Hill Secondary College is responsible for ensuring all suspensions and expulsions are recorded on CASES21.

The school explicitly prohibits corporal punishment of any kind.

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