The Princes Hill School was established in 1889 and is one of the oldest continuously operating schools in Victoria. Princes Hill Secondary College with approximately 900 students provides a unique, supportive learning environment that fosters the school values of Respect, Inclusion, Resilience, Creativity and Achievement. The school has approximately 73 equivalent full-time staff comprised of 3 Principal Class, 56 Teacher Class and 14 Education Support Class. Demand for places is high and there are limits on the capacity of the school to offer places to students beyond the neighbourhood area. The school has excellent facilities in all curriculum areas and is privileged to have access to outstanding playing fields and grounds with Princes Park in close proximity. This beautiful green open space is used by classes, and daily student access is supervised at recess and lunchtime.
The school is widely recognised for its inclusive and vibrant culture where all students of all backgrounds feel welcome and safe. Appreciation of differences between people and awareness of individual needs and abilities is central to our ethos whilst mutual respect between staff and students is characteristic of relationships. Students achieve high academic outcomes and consistently demonstrate excellence across the curriculum. Critical thinking, engagement with the social issues of the day and connections with the wider community are valued. Participation in public events, performances and competitions is actively encouraged, with successes enthusiastically celebrated. The school attracts a high proportion of families with a professional background and welcomes all families from all backgrounds who are encouraged to be involved in school life.
Evidence based practice and attention to research is important in our learning community's thinking and learning. We acknowledge that young people require a range of skills, attitudes and understandings to live sustainably and cooperatively in today’s world. Consequently, the curriculum makes extensive use of our inner city location for students' studies with ready access to galleries, museums, parks and Melbourne Zoo. Importantly, the school offers an extensive Camps and Outdoor Education Program utilising our ideally located alpine-based Mirimbah campus, at the base of Mt Buller and Mt Stirling, and other venues. Further co-curricular opportunities include study tours to Italy, France, Indonesia and Vietnam. In Year 9, all students are involved in our Wilderness Week program where all students have a week long wilderness experience.