Princes Hill Secondary College is committed to providing the necessary support to ensure our students are supported intellectually, emotionally and socially.

Staff, students and parents/carers all have a collective role in identifying students in need of support.

Princes Hill Secondary College uses the following information and tools to identify students in need of additional social, emotional or educational support:

  • Data from enrolment, attendance, student survey, assessment, Attitudes to School Survey, student management, Compass chronicle entries, Tutor Learning Initiative processes, detentions and suspensions.
  • Observations and referrals by school staff such as changes in engagement, behaviour, and achievement.
  • Identification of concerns through writing, social media, in conversation and from their peers.
  • Communication with families.
  • Communication with external supports and agencies.
  • Self-referrals or referrals from peers.

Princes Hill Secondary College comprises of three Sub-Schools - these being the Senior Sub-School (Year 11/12), Middle Sub-School (Year 9/10) and Junior Sub-School (Year 7/8). Each Sub-School has a Sub-School Leader and a Coordinator for each year level. The Wellbeing Team comprises of a Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Mental Health Practitioner and Educational Psychologist. 

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